Was watching some show last night on animal planet and they were checking out the giant o. The TV said that the octos can get so big there because the cooler water can old more Oxygen. Is that so?
Anyone here running a chiller on their octo tank? I'm not planning on it because they're a lot of money and I have a wife who likes to buy groceries and clothes for our kids and stuff like that. Just curious.
Another newb question - I have a corner of my house prepped (this means it currently has no furniture in it) for an bimac home. I have one of those 18 x 24 x 32 tanks. It will fit perfectly in that spot but...wait...I read somewhere that the back of the stand should really have 12 inches clearance from the wall. Crud. How much clearance guys?
I have to drill this tank and build a stand for it and buy about a grand worth of stuff to make it go. But I'm having a great time learning from you all! Thanks for postin'!
What is the best thing to feed an Iowan Octopus?
Anyone here running a chiller on their octo tank? I'm not planning on it because they're a lot of money and I have a wife who likes to buy groceries and clothes for our kids and stuff like that. Just curious.
Another newb question - I have a corner of my house prepped (this means it currently has no furniture in it) for an bimac home. I have one of those 18 x 24 x 32 tanks. It will fit perfectly in that spot but...wait...I read somewhere that the back of the stand should really have 12 inches clearance from the wall. Crud. How much clearance guys?
I have to drill this tank and build a stand for it and buy about a grand worth of stuff to make it go. But I'm having a great time learning from you all! Thanks for postin'!
What is the best thing to feed an Iowan Octopus?