collection cup position (remora pro)


Premium Member
I have been using remora pro (hang on) 30gallon tank
At first, it produce dry foam during 6 hours...but after that, it wouldn't
produce dry foam. The foam is raised continuously but not dry foam.
wet foam? :D like that...
And the color of waste is not dark,but light(the color of light tea...)

Is that wrong? and Do you know why?

Always dry foam and dark colored waste is perfect skimming?

what is the best position of collection cup?
I know nothin about the remora pro.
W/ that said... wet or dry foam, light color or tea colored foam is all good. It is unclear what type, color, consistancy -foam is better to collect. IMO all foam is good foam and even watery foam is better than no foam.
So raise/lower the collection cup accordingly.
My guess is that the reason it worked great intially, was that the skimmer was new an everything was clean and perfect. Once you allow salt buildup, organic buildup, crap etc buildup, on the skimmer, airlines, powerhead rotor, everything changes. Do a through cleaning and rinse all the airlines clean the air filter and see if that helps. Another thought of coure is that you don't have high levels of organics in your tank, unlikely but possible.