COMAS Tank Tour June 13th, 2009


.Registered Member
As the name states, the purpose of this thread is to give you all a little bit of info regarding the Tank Tour and its respective details.

The tour is designed for members to travel around to other members homes and "tour" thier tank and set ups. As stated before this is a great event, and an exciting way to share ideas, opinions, ect.

WHEN: The Tank Tour will take place on June 13th, 2009 in place of the June meeting.

WHERE: Wherever you decide to visit :)

WHO: Any active COMAS members are welcome on the tour. We ask if you do bring guests to please adhere to the 1+ rule. Meaning you may bring 1 guest for every active COMAS member. It goes without saying that you will be visiting other folks homes and we should respect as such.

There will be an Info Packet emailed to those of you who express interest in attending in this thread. The packet will be emailed from the COMAS leadership team 1 week before on the 7th of June.

Here are some of the confirmed members hosting on the tour:

Edd B. (eddybabyhd)
Paul W. (Pwhitby)
Greg C. (GregC)
George & Vicki (Lightsluvr)
Glenn S. (gws76)
Chad P. (chaderic26)
Teresa (dexterd)
Doug G. (D.G.)
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I hope that I'm going to be very busy that day (with lots of visitors)!

Come on folks, sign up for the tour. We are anxious to show you our tanks, describe our future plans and have a great time visiting!

Mike and Jeri G.
Joe Russell
Josh (possibly Kate)
Steve and Janet
Kaitlyn and Will
Mike +1.

Who else?
I'm going and looking forward to it.

Mike and Jeri G.
Joe Russell
Josh (possibly Kate)
Steve and Janet
Amy + 1