Convict tang


New member
Hi all, Lfs has one for sale, fairly small. Liveaquaria says 125g I have 80 g. Do you guys think it be OK? I have lots of swimming space with not a lot in the tank.

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You're already wanting to add a new fish after your recent problems with all but 2 of your fish dying? Adding a new fish doesn't seem like a wise idea.

Has your tank been sitting fallow long enough? 3 months is the recommended time period.
You're already wanting to add a new fish after your recent problems with all but 2 of your fish dying? Adding a new fish doesn't seem like a wise idea.

Has your tank been sitting fallow long enough? 3 months is the recommended time period.
So I should definitely leave it with just inverts, corals and my 2 fish? It just seems that the 2 fish in there show no signs of illness. Guessing that's a good thing. So let it go with no new fish until September ish? I can add corals though and other inverts?

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Corals and inverts are personal opinion is you either set up a quarantine and keep your fish in there until September or don't add any fish until September. With the huge die off you just went through and not knowing exactly what it's smarter to play it safe than sorry.

You really need to get your head wrapped around the fact that all fish are not the same. Just like people, some are more immune to some diseases than others. Just because 2 fish were lucky enough to survive does not mean your tank is safe to add more fish to it.
Corals and inverts are personal opinion is you either set up a quarantine and keep your fish in there until September or don't add any fish until September. With the huge die off you just went through and not knowing exactly what it's smarter to play it safe than sorry.

You really need to get your head wrapped around the fact that all fish are not the same. Just like people, some are more immune to some diseases than others. Just because 2 fish were lucky enough to survive does not mean your tank is safe to add more fish to it.
Fair comments, thanks.

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Would anemone be OK to add?

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Most anemones need high intensity lighting, excellent water conditions and can move around and sting/kill coral. They also recommend that you don't add an anemone if your tank hasn't been established for at least 6 months.

You really should start doing some research online before you buy anything. Google is very good for this. Randomly dumping things in your tank based on someone online saying "yes, it's okay" and hoping the things work out is not a good course of action.
Has ‘Fallow period’ started if there is still fish in tank?

Good point. From Humblefish's post on another site:

The reason to go fallow (fishless) is to eliminate a fish disease from your DT (display tank). Going fallow works because you are denying the disease a fish host to feed on, essentially starving it to death.

In order to go fallow you must remove ALL fish from your DT. If just one fish is left behind, even a “disease resistant” species, then going fallow is for naught because the disease will continue its life cycle. Corals/inverts can be left in the DT, as those are not capable of hosting - although some are capable of “housing” the encysted stage of certain parasites for a period of time (see “Fallow Periods” below). It is important to continue to feed your corals/inverts while going fallow, and also put a pinch of flake or pellet food into the DT every 2-3 days to feed nitrifying bacteria in the absence of fish poop. Continue to do everything normally with your tank while going fallow; although you may wish to go lights out if you are running a fish only system (just don’t forget to feed that bacteria!)

Fallow Periods - Below is the general consensus fallow periods for all diseases that require it. In most cases, it is the longest known time period that the encysted stage can survive on corals, inverts, rocks, substrate without a fish host to feed on. The fallow period starts when the last fish is removed from the tank.

Black ich (turbellarian worms) - 4 weeks
Brooklynella aka “Clownfish disease” or “Brook” - 6 weeks
Flukes (monogenean worms) - 4 weeks
Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans) - 76 days
Uronema marinum - No fallow period, as it does not require a fish host to survive. It is an opportunistic parasite that strikes when a fish’s immune system has been compromised. Uronema mainly affects damsels (especially chromis) and clownfish.
Velvet (Amyloodinium) - 6 weeks

During the fallow period, the fish must be quarantined and treated for whatever disease(s) are afflicting them. Successful treatment is imperative to avoid disease(s) from being reintroduced into the DT.

Quarantining all future livestock purchases is also very important to avoid having to go fallow again in the future.

After the fallow period has ended, you can return your fish to the DT. I recommend doing it one fish at a time, spread out over a couple of weeks. This will give your bacterial levels time to adjust to the added fish bio-load, and avoid a potential mini-cycle/ammonia spike. I also prefer to add back smaller fish first, so they are established ahead of the larger, more aggressive ones.
Has "˜Fallow period' started if there is still fish in tank?

No. Fallow means fishless.
Do you know what caused the die off? I did not see that thread.

Any and all new fish should, at a minimu, go through TTM. And then a couple weeks, or longer, in QT.
Hey gareth.hubbarde I know it suck to have a tank with barely anything in it. But you are lucky to still have 2 fishes. But my advise is take it easy and make sure that you water parameter and your tank is ok first before even thinking of add anything else. Remmember you are in this hobby for along time.
No. Fallow means fishless.

Do you know what caused the die off? I did not see that thread.

Any and all new fish should, at a minimu, go through TTM. And then a couple weeks, or longer, in QT.

That's the original thread, we are assuming it was flukes. I can't "go fallow" at the moment as no qt available. Once I move house in few weeks time I will have my old tank set up as qt. Can start from scratch then.

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