I've had one in my tank for over a year and it has never bothered any of the clams. Chances are you'll never see the CBS anyways, mine hangs out in the caves during the day.
Thanks for the info, I feel safe to go get me a nice maxima. My CBS is quite gregarious, likes to cruise around during the day and see whatââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s happening.
I dont have any tropical clams but i ve a clam which i found from sea, its extreemly white but not looks special, he is filtring the water, i ve also a cbs w/ it but he isnt interested in that clam, also my cbs is extreemly wild and unshy, he is always at the front of the tank and even atacking me when i put my finger on the glass, so i ll give him back to shop and buy a harlequin shrimp ,
I also want a tropical clam, here we have metallic maxima clam, is it easy, and does clams need high level of light?
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