Coral Heaven for clams

Its a protein food supplement for corals. You can get it from Tropicorium or Indo Pacific Sea Farms. If you check out they have a full description of it on their site.
I use dt's phyto and have tried BioPlankton. I stick with the dt's's live and my corals and clams react the best with its use...

I am using LiquidLife BioPlanton and like it. It suppost to have 3 differents types of algae. Been using DT's for a few years as well.

Well I just picked up some Kent's phytoplankton. I didnt want to order the DT's just yet, wanna save some money to order other things with it. Is the kent any good?
There is a thread on showing various brands of phytoplankton under a microscope. Apparently DT's gives you the most for your money. Interesting stuff. I use the DT's concentrate myself.