coral of the week { hydnophora }


Premium Member
week #9 coral of the week {hydnophora}. This coral is pictured on page 118 of the book Corals a quick reference guide by Julian Sprung.

Every week I will post a new coral and I want you to post everything you know about this particular coral. Everything from common names, how hardy they are, water temp, water flow, lighting, water parameters, fraging, spawning, related corals, scientific names, feeding, best ways to ship, etc. Post your pictures for identification. Please tell us about your system so others can duplicate your success. Also email me for request on which corals you would like to see in this section.

I have a frag of one.
IMHO best green coral out there, beats the socks off acros and the like.

I have had it in low light, med light, high light (PC's) low current, med current, high current. It doesn't care.

What it does care about is other corals. It will sting the blazes out of ANYTHING that comes near it. Including things like hammers, polyps, shrooms, not to meantion SPS.

Overall, a great coral. Very hardy with wonderful color!

I agree on all points, one of my favorite corals.

I love the color and the quick growth and hardiness. An SPS that cannot be beat.

I can attest to the serious stinging power of this coral. I had one fall on a leather frag and kill it completely.

The common name for this coral I think is "Horn coral."
Here's a pic.

Here's a pic.

It's not the best pic, but you get the idea...

Here's an old pic of mine. Unfortunately it has recently lost a some tissue due to a protozoan infection, but it's on the mend.

saw the topic 'week #9 coral of the week {hydnophora}'

first thing I thought, oooh that packs a WALLLOP!

need to get rid of xenia, you got your man, need to get rid of another acro - there it is again..

I had to expoy down my hydnopora frag, just becuase of that

its a GREAT bushy - coral

mine is midway down on water column - 2x400 W bulbs

another one on the bottom of the tank, both doing GREAT

nice and bushy :) sways in the current.

I personally think for the guy starting out in Acropora/SPS's should do

1. M. Digita
2. Hydnos

they're not as fussy as others - and I like em.
I forgot to add that I believe the 'encrusting' hydnophora is a lot more aggressive than the branching type. As you can see from my photo, I have a Cap. frag just to the right of the hydnophora and it does not bother it. I have not seen any sweepers. (on either coral)
Believe it or not, the colors in the photo are pretty true to actual actinic coloration.
Mine is near the top under VHOs.It has grown nicely and has a great color.As others have said,it dose have a very powerful sting.
Yup, Techno's is a hydno, I have seen a hydno like that formed a perfect circle.

Mine has the same polyps, just a differnt structure.

Awsome stuff,

Heya Techno, those Clove polyps ever grow?


Tactstat is correct in that mine is of the encrusting variety, and Ken is correct that it does have very potent sweepers. I almost lost a yellow leather due to a stinging incident. It burned right through the tissue...and it is a pretty fast grower.
Wow, I didn't realize the polyps could be so large. Pretty darn cool... come to think of it, I think I've seen one before, but just didn't take the time to identify it.