Coral Wars!!!!


New member
Post your experiences with what corals will win if they end up trying to grow in the same space. It will be a good reference to look at when placing corals (assuming this hasn't been done before)

I'll start...

Pagoda Cup vs. Candycane ~~ Winner: Pagoda
Candycane vs. Montipora Capricornis ~~ Winner: Candycane
Bubble vs. Ricordea ~~ Winner: Bubble

Please just base it on what occurred in your tank.... Obviously using scientific descriptions would be better - I'm just a little lazy tonight...

I'm interested in Frogspawn vs. Bubble - in a few weeks I'll probably know the answer!!!
I'll be interested to know the outcome of the Bubble vs Frogspawn battle....that's getting close to happening in my tank too. Fortunately the current blows the bubble's sweepers away from the frogspawn, and my frogspawn doesn't ever put out sweepers. bubble whipped the snot out of a kenya tree coral till I moved it.
Monti vs. frogspawn = frogspawn
torch vs lawnmower blenny = Im not sure but the fish sat and twitched for a few minutes.
David P said:
torch vs lawnmower blenny = Im not sure but the fish sat and twitched for a few minutes.

:eek1: :eek2: :eek1: :eek2:

Ouch!! Had no idea the torch was so powerful!
LOL! I think that's a TKO for the Torch ;)

IME, Brown star polyps will smother anything and everything except for an anemone. Palythoa zooanthid and Zooanthid polpys also win out by the same method (though a few Acro's tried to keep them at bay for a while...)

Anemone vs. Anything = Anemone :D

- Mac
Purple Monti Digitata vs Green Acropora -- winner Green Acro

hmm, i have a freaking crazy orange monti dig vs. a bright green acro (from and as of now the orange dig is winning :( i hope the green acros turns around and whoops the $hit out of it...but we will see....might have to move it

hydno vs pavona - winner hydno

tricolor acro (tan, purple tip, green polyp) vs orange monti cap - tricolor is whooping butt

My purple monti digitata is a WUSS. He has a branch that is growing over a button and the button is winning.


Florida ricordia and yuma ricordia
rhodactis and discoma

And the winner is Flordia and Yuma ricordea

Large Hermit Crab vs Purple Rim Monti Cap vs S. Haddoni = S. Haddoni (of course)

Hermit knocked monti off mount and it fell into S. Haddoni that sits below...

The monti is staging a come back and recovering. I think it wants a rematch
Purple Acro Champ

Purple Acro Champ

This purple acro easily defeats a green acro and a digi. I don't mind it killing off the digi but I'm worried for the green acro. As you can see in the pic, it encrusts rapidly to a point of concern now as it's moving closer to nearby sps'.:eek2: I had a green millipora move close to a blue stag and decided not to take chances and broke the milli off and put epoxy over it's encrustation to save the solid blue stag! I had another frag(can't remember) fall onto the green milli and the milli kicked some serious butt over it!

Ridordea > any sps'
Bubble > any of the corals I had. Eventually removed the Bubble.

skeletor said:
Orange monti cap vs acro yongi - easy winner Acro Yongi.


Good to know - I have this impending battle and was speculating on the outcome....

And by the way - if anyone is worried about a particular SPS (in reference to OYT's nice looking purple acro) taking over - I'll be happy to oblige in housing your frags....:)

Great pic, BTW!
wow..i like this thread

mushroom vs acro...mushroom in about 4 hours
monti cap vs green tree..monti
huge colt vs green cap it 6 hours
xenia vs green slimer...draw
frogspawn vs acro...frogspawn
another one I'm interested in is any clam attacks. I know the clam won't win any battles - but will a coral beat a clam?

Self serving question, I have a ricordea yuma that's brushing on a clam with apparently no ill effects to either.