Coralife Super Skimmer VS ASM G2


New member
I have a 72 gallon tank, Sump with Macro, UV lightl, lots of softies, LR, 1foxface, 2clowns, 1madarin, 3chromis. Which of these skimmers would you recommend. I have aout 300 bucks give and take to spend. Anysuggestions.
I was in this situation before and had purchased a SuperSkimmer 220 mainly due to pricing but because of the height it didn't fit in my stand so i went with a G2 and have been happy with it. I would go with a G3 if I had to choose all over again. I think the 3500 pump is a bit underpowered for the G2. check on reefgeeks, you can get a G3 for well within your budget.

good luck
Used asm g2 can be had for less than 200.00. I'm currently using it on my 30g with about 20g sump. I'm very happy with it. When I upgrade to 75gal, this skimmer will be more than capable in my mind.
also check out the octopus RPS-2000 I think it is $299, it is a recirc skimmer and will outperform both of the skimmers that you have mentioned.
I had not heard of this one. The octopus RPS-2000 (Pacific coast I think is the manufactuer). SO I have to buy an additional pump for this on as well. What size??? Man I am all confussed.
I know recirc skimmers are better, but how much better???
I just want a skimmer that I can put it in and have it work. (Keep it simple). Without any need to make Mods and all that.
I saw a coral life super skimmer at a LFS and i was quite impressed. It pulled tons of gunk in 24 hrs but of course it'd also depend on how dirty your tank is. I'd highly recommend it but asm and octopus are good skimmers least that's what i've been hearing lately ;0)
Thanks, Johnvu.

I just wrote an em-aill to ASM to carrify a few questions. I am just wondering if all those Mods are really needed. Shoot can't I just put the ASMG2 or 3 in my 72 with a 15 gallon sump and have it work just as well. If I do get one of those Mods, Which one would be the best.
a MJ1200 would work great as a feed pump for the RPS-2000, or you could plumb it from the overflow for maximum efficiency.
Those mods mentioned for the ASM also involve turning it into a recirculating model. IMO if you're going with the recirc route get the RPS-2000 as it is already to go no modding needed.
This will require an additional feed pump to supply 1 to 1.5 times the system volume per hour through the protein skimmer. Dam I'm gonna have alot of pumps (1) LilGiant; (2)SmallRio for the UV light (3) For the Now (4)(5) for the skimmers. On top of that I have MH with fans... Electric company gonna love me. I see it going for $319.00 without the second pump.