Hi Eric,
Just curious. For all of us with a web site devoted to our tank(s), we tend to insist on labeling the coral we keep (in my case Acroporids) so as to differentiate between the pictures.
I understand identification to the species level would be about impossible for the average aquarist. How would you suggest we go about placing a name to a picture (short of "blue acropora", "green acropora", or "acropora 1", "2", etc.)? I understand there is a term which means "looks like" or "similar to" that can be used, but it slips my mind. Can you help?
Thanks for the great article. Looking forward to the next installment.
Just curious. For all of us with a web site devoted to our tank(s), we tend to insist on labeling the coral we keep (in my case Acroporids) so as to differentiate between the pictures.

Thanks for the great article. Looking forward to the next installment.