Could Cycle Really be so short?


In Memoriam
Hello all.

I am totally new to reef tanks and have just started my tank in the last two weeks. It is a 90 gallon. I setup the tank using RO water I made and arogonite for base. After temp and salt was right my LFS guy ordered uncured Fiji LR for me. I go t 3 45lb boxes for a total of 135 lbs. He told me to rinse it in saltwater and then just put it right in the tank to cure. It didnt smell bad at all coming out of the boxes and still had lots of color (green and purple) on it as well as some plantlife that was still green. The smell I would compare to the smell of wet cement or cinder blocks. Not rotten smelling. He said it was really good quality and very fresh.

Anyway, it went into the tank last Tuesday night immediatly after it came in from the airport and I rinsed it. On Thursday evening I tested for Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Alk and pH.

I had
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 40
Nitrite 3.0
Alk 300
pH 7.8

Next night
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 40
Nitrite .5
Alk 300
pH 7.8

I took sample to LFS on Friday and he tested as well and said the cycle looked like it was already about done. He measured Phosphate and said that was high and was a biproduct of the cycle and that I should do a 40-50% water change to help reduce it and then come in on Sunday (Tommorrow) with a sample and if all looked ok we would start a cleanup crew.

My question is...has anyone seen a cycle this short with uncured liverock? Did I just happen to catch it really fresh? Did I not have enough die-off for a really good ammonia level to start a good cycle? Even the protein skimmer is not producing as much skimate as it did the first 3 days (which was only about a half cup a day).

Opinions please. (pictues of tank in my gallery)
Cured LR would make a short cycle. Uncured could take a very long time. Cycles seem to be shorter in larger tanks. If you had all that color and what not on the rock, chances are you got cured LR. I would have all readings @ 0 for at least a week before adding any livestock. Nitrates are way too high still. Oh yeah and what measurement are you using for alk? 300 is insane. Do you mean calcium?

P.S. I don't see any pictures in your gallery
Personally my tank "cycled" in a week, If I were you I would just put a big pinch or 2 of fish food in there and test the water over the next week, if you don't see a spike in ammonia/nitrites then your bio-filter should be established enough for your first fish. Personally I would wait a week or 2 for the clean-up crew. Some people seem to add them first, but It seems logical to wait until some algea/ditritus accumulates for them to eat.
I would raise your PH a bit around 8.0 - 8.3 and what does it hurt to wait a week or 2 just to let your tank do its thing... Paitence is the vertue of life my friend, Time will only bennefit you and your tank
I see the pics now. Listen you aren't too far from me, if you need any help or some frags when your ready just LMK.
:eek: Awww thanks. I've just had so many generous helpful people in the area, I've got to repay some of the good karma
hey karma is a good thing, it repayed me almost 2 months ago when I needed a light real bad because mine fell in the water from my darn dog jumping up on the tank well long story short a guy on here sold me a pc 2x96 fan cooled for $50 what a deal when in the time of need
Wow !! I have to say I've found the most generous kind people in this hobby. Nowhere else do people still help and lend like I've seen in reefkeeping.
Are those bioballs I see behind the center brace of your tank. If so that will continually be a source of nitrate. I would remove them now before they cause even more of a problem. I know your LFS said you could not have a tank with out them.
Thanks all.

Reefwick, I may take you up on that someday. Your nano looks great. Is it hard to keep? I heard they are really tough to keep water right in.

Too all, it will be a long time (month or two) before I add any fish. When I add them, it will likely be no more than 4.....a blenny, a clown, and maybe two other small reef frieindly fish. I am not in a hurry for fish.

As for cleanup crew, maybe I will wait also. I am not in a rush and want to do it right. Waiting for algea bloom sounds like a good call.

Fred, those are Bio Balls....they came with the wet dry. I was told by LFS and some others that they cannot hurt and can only help in the long run. However, I thought about taking them out and moving some rubble that is currently in my tank down there.
Is that you on the Harley? I have a Fatboy. I want to get to NC some day on it as I hear it is beautiful out there. However, wife is pregnant now so that could be a long time in coming.....

Thanks all,

I will check all readings this morning and post. Kinda wondering what my large water change did to things yesterday.

Oh, and rock was definitely uncured. I got it for $4.40/lb which includes the shipping. There was also definitely some crap that I rinsed off as well as some dead crabs and what I thought was some sponge material.
This mornings readings....

Temperature: 78.5 F
pH: 7.8
Salinity: 1.024 SG
Alkalinity: 300 ppm
Nitrate: 20 mg/l
Nitrite: .5 mg/l
Ammonia: 0 mg/l

Oh, the test kit I am using is from Jungle Laboratories and is a quick dip Test strip deal. The Alkalanity according to the kit is measured in PPM and does in fact read 300 ppm form my test. Kit says 180-300 ppm is ideal.

Ammonia test kit is from Aquarium Systems and is called fasTesT.

I need to get a phosphate test kit yet.

Thanks for all the help