Couple of clam questions


New member
I have a few more questions regarding one of my 3" 1/2 max clams. I bought both clams about 2 weeks ago and both have been doing great except for one of them today. Both have attached themselves to their own small piece of rock I put on the substrate so I assume that's a good sign. Onto my questions now:

1. Today I noticed that one of the clams was gaping pretty much the entire day. What's wrong with it and what does that mean?

2. The same clam also had it's mantel's pinched a bit around the bottom of the "inlet" area. Sorry I don't know the technical terms yet. :p What does this mean? Should I do a f/w dip on the clam? I noticed this happened about 2 days ago. Other than that, the clam's mantel is fully extended except for the area mentioned.

3. Later tonight, I go to check on the same clam. It had detached itself from the rock it once occupied and started moving off of it. I immediately put it back on the rock What I find kinda disturbing is that the clam just left it's "foot" attached to the rock while on the run. What does this mean and will the clam regrow a new foot? How long does it normally take?

Nothing in my tank has recently changed. My lighting consist of 2 250w 10K MH and 2 96w 03 actinics. Ca is at 400ppm and alk 8.8 dKH. Both clams are 24" below the light. Let me know if I let out any info. Please help me as I am totally dumbfounded. I sure hate to lose this pretty $100 clam. :confused:

PS: My other clam is doing great. Go figure. :rolleyes:
What kind of clam(s) is/are they, that you are having problems with?

It sounds like one is unheatly and woud try to return it if possible..

I believe crocea (sp?) are known to show that sign of gapping or extending it's mantle.. either one.. a clam professional could help..

But, if it was me, I would return it for another clam if possible..

IF you can't.. I would try a f/w dip for 30-60min..


Returning the clam is no an option. It's a maxima clam as I mentioned above. :)

Does anyone else have an opinion? I'd really love to hear from you if so. The clam this morning is doing "okay" but not like before. TIA
Mantle pinching is usually a sign of disease or a predator (pyramid snails). The fact that it lost its foot (byssal thread) is not good (sign of stress).

I would inspect the clam for snails. If you find any you should remove them. A freshwater dip may work and if it is a disease it may help as well. Make sure the water is the same temp of the tank and I would only do it for 20 to 30 minutes at the most.

Here is a thread on freshwater dipping:
brianlena2000 said:
Mantle pinching is usually a sign of disease or a predator (pyramid snails). The fact that it lost its foot (byssal thread) is not good (sign of stress).

I would inspect the clam for snails. If you find any you should remove them. A freshwater dip may work and if it is a disease it may help as well. Make sure the water is the same temp of the tank and I would only do it for 20 to 30 minutes at the most.

Here is a thread on freshwater dipping:
What do pyramid snails look like? As far as I can tell, I don't see any visible predators around the clam. Just an occassional pick here and there from my 2 cleaner shrimps. Agrrhhh... :mad2:

Will the clam regrow a new byssal thread if healthy? I will try a fw dip tommorow if the clam doesn't shape up a bit today. Just gotta get the correct temp and ph right?

In the meantime, would it be a good idea to do a water change? I already mixed up a batch of water and was going to change out 15-20g on the 90g or will that be too stressful for the clam? I just did a 20g water change about 2 weeks ago. I'm looking for more help obviously before attempting to do anything. Thanks again from a clam newbie.
What do pyramid snails look like?

Here is an excellent article including pics from Daniel Knop:

Will the clam regrow a new byssal thread if healthy?

Yes, it should regenerate.

Just gotta get the correct temp and ph right?

Most just worry about the temp for freshwater dips but it wouldn't hurt to match both.

In the meantime, would it be a good idea to do a water change?

The water change won't do much for the clam right now but it won't hurt it either.
TY for the great reading Brian. It definitely answered my pyramid snail question.

I'm gonna do a water change tommorow to see if this helps any. Besides that, I want to get my nitrates lower; they're at 10ppm at the moment. I'm striving for 0ppm. :D

I'll also keep everyone updated on the clam. I am still "iffy" about the fw dip. It may do more harm than good or vice versa. Maybe this weekend. Anyhow, stay tuned.
Okay, I just did a 20g water change this morning. The clam seems the same as it was 2 days ago.

I noticed last night that one of my freakin' cleaner shrimp was picking on the clam's underside where the byssal thread once was. :mad2: So, I decided to get a clear container and poked some holes in it for circulation purposes. I then set the container on top of the clam to act as a cover to help the clam recover. It works.

I did have another question. The same clam's hinge is open about 1". Other than that, the clam is acting normal and has it's mantel fully extended. Is this normal when the clam loses it's byssal thread? I decided to hold off on the fw dip.