couple quick questions...


New member
I have a couple quick questions about my 6" Ultra Maxima.

First: My buddy asked me the other day if I could eat my clam. Obviously this would never happen, but it made me wonder. Are Maximas edible?

Second: On a more serious note, my clam has two small patches of discoloration. He is mostly a very brilliant deep purple/blue, but on these spots he is a pinkish color. It appears that it is a lack of pigmentation or something along these lines. My question is whether or not there is any hope that these spots will ever fill in with the color that dominates the rest of the clam?

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.


Clams are edible and a delicacy in some countries-derasa and hippopus are grown for food since they grow faster and larger.
It sounds like your clam is bleaching. This is usually due to light deficiency however metal toxicity should also be considered. Have a picture?
They are edible, in the Giant Clams book that I have, the locals eat them and sell the shells as decoration.

Thanks for the info guys. Sorry ADS, no pic right now. I lost my memory stick for my DV camera so I can't access stills, hopefully soon.

The discoloration was present when I purchased the animal. It was one of those very impulsive things that everyone warns against, but the price was right. The guy at my LFS, who has been VERY good to me so far, said that he thought it had filled in a little bit since arriving at the store. The lighting conditions at the store were excellent, and I believe the water quality is as well. I have him in a 55 gal. tank which is lit by three daylight T-5s and an actinic blue T-5. I plan on adding another of each bulb in the near future. I have been led to believe this lighting is more than sufficient. If it is bleaching, is there a chance at the color filling in? How about metal toxicity? Also, I have him in my sand bed, about 18" from my lights. Should I try to find a spot for him higher up?


For a maxima I would keep it high directly under that type of light.
I would upgrade lighting if you plan on more maximas. Another couple of tubes couldn't hurt. Adam