crab ate my maxima


In Memoriam
our hairy hitchiker crab that came on some tbsw lr ate my maxima(':smokin:').there appears to be a little life left in opened up earlier,but there dosen't appear to be much of a clam question is will it recover.thanks for any imput
It is pretty much impossible to even guess without a photo. From your description, I would say it may be too late.
nevermind,the skunk cleaners are in there eating it to tear the tank apart and go crabbin.and i guess while i'm at it,the mantis will go also. :(
Definitely rid the tank of any crabs, mantis, predators, etc. I sure did when I introduced my first clam. I don't want something attacking my pride and joy.
imgrtful said:
nevermind,the skunk cleaners are in there eating it to tear the tank apart and go crabbin.and i guess while i'm at it,the mantis will go also. :(

I hope your kidding about the mantis!! Mantis shrimp feed on crustaceans, even clams. You have got to be messing around are'nt you?:confused:
From what I have seen, Maximas don't recover very well from damage, at least compared to corals. I got a cool blue-green-gold maxima with a small crack in the shell (50% discount!) at the LFS and they threw in another banged up one for free. Within a day in my tank, both opened and I could see that most of the mantle was torn along one edge in the worse of the two. The area where the byssal threads come out was cracked and some tissue was hanging out. Looked to me like someone used a crowbar to pry it loose. Well, it lasted three days and then it croaked. I found the clean and empty shell the following morning (nassarius, peppermints and hermits). I am fairly confident that the scavengers left it alone till it was dead but you never know. The other clam has just started to heal the break though it could just be the coralline algae filling it in. It has been four months since I got it.....seems they heal slow if at all.
battplus said:
I hope your kidding about the mantis!! Mantis shrimp feed on crustaceans, even clams. You have got to be messing around are'nt you?:confused:

not kidding.i wish i was.the clam wasnt even mine.we bought it for my wifes mother and was holding it for her untill this weekend when we go up to see her.i believe the mantis is responsible for the death of my peppermints,but that hairy crab was responsible for the death of the clam.almost 100% positive.i think we may have killed the crab wife went cathy bates on it with a butcher knife.stabbed it but couldnt get it to stick to the crawled to the back of the tank and hasnt been seen was munching on a turbo when she opened the shower curtain and the pysco music started i'm scared to take showers untill she's asleep.shoulda seen the look in her eyes when she did the crab in.lollolloo:bum: :eek1: :mad2: :rollface: