Crocea, and the problem.


Notorious Reeferus
Hey guys,

Well I've had a fine crocea specimen in my tank for about 2 or more months... It's roughly 8-9 inches, it's in my 29gal tank under 310w of PC and MH.

I have it along the sandbed, and I have it placed directly up towards the lighting... However, over an extended period of time, say from a week to 2 weeks, it will begin slowly turning on it's side... So it looks like it's resting... It opens normally, it's extending normally.. It is attached to a shell I have placed underneath it...

Is this normal behavior or a sign of too much water flow, etc?

Thanks a lot,

I have'nt seen even one 9" crocea, this is HUGE.
I did'nt know they grwo so large.
Are a sure ya got a crocea?maybe it's a max???
Anyways, for the "resting" I have a small crocea like this, I let it be.
I will have pictures up...

I purchased this bad boy at my LFS for 70 dollars, they have a flat rate on all croceas... I'm sure it's done for growing..

The 9 inches was an exaggeration I suppose, I used my own eye-sight for it... I just measured it and it's 6.5 inches large.. It's a pretty big clam.. I'm not going to lie.. It's huge.

I'm sure it's a crocea, it has no scales, the mantle formation.. I know my clams.

So what is the deal with it's behavior?

Most croceas dont exactly "move" as mush as you would think, especially if he is a fairly new addition...crocea's take while for them to settle down and start attaching their foot to the sand and or rock...You also might check with your LFS and see abou the distributer of the clams...alot of the wholesalers now a days are selling blade harvested croceas...thses usually dont do well...this type of collection refers to the cutting of the foot of the rock in order to free them from the ocean can place him back up if you wish