crocea clam


Premium Member
I bought a crocea clam this weekend and have a queation about where to place it. I have read that they should be placed on rocks. However the lfs had it in the sand bed and told me he would be fine in the sand. I know I need to be careful what the lfs tells you but this guy is usually a straight shooter .
Thanks Jeff
In nature, they are found on the rocks. Unless you have very strong lighting, you probably want to place it high up on the rocks near the lights.
I don't think by some standards that I have very strong lights but I do have better than it had at the lfs where it was in the sand. I have it directly under one of my 250 watt Iwaski's . As far as sand vs rock not that important vs enough light.
Is it attached to a small piece of rock? If not then even on the sandbed you are best to place as small flat piece of rock underneath it so the bysal thread can attach to it. You can then move it closer to the light once it has acclimated if necessary.
Its not attached to anything . I have it on a rock about half way up in the tank. It has moved or been moved by snails. It leaning slightly. Thanks for your help
I keep all my clams in the sandbed without difficulty. As long as your lighting is intense enough to provide for the clam's needs while in the sand, you should have no problem.


This crocea is attached, high up, under a 400 watt halide.
Very nice colors. I have left it in the rocks mid way up for now. I wanted to move it to the sand bed but I think that it will benefit more being higher. Thanks for the advice