Crocea,Gigas,and Derasa


New member
Hi all,
I finally picked them up today imported from Palau.
13" gigas, 2 10"-11" deresa, 7" crocea. A friend is keeping it in his tank until I'm ready to take them home.

I want to replace my metal halides from 2 175 watts to a higher wattage, say a 250 watts or 400 watts along with 2 110 watts VHO.

What is the best combination?
My tank is a 75 gallon reef ready and it's about 24 inches deep with approximately 6" sand in the bottom. Please help me decide. Thank you in advance.


[Edited by surgemaker on 02-08-2001 at 07:17 PM]
Congrats on the new clams. Good luck with them.

What works for me is the 3 x 250W MH with 2 x 110W VHO. For your size tank, you'll need only two MHs.

IMO, 250 is plenty, but 400 can't hurt.

Be sure to dose kalk hard. Those are big clams, and they'll need a LOT of calcium.

Good luck!