Crocea on sandbed?


Premium Member
Does anyone out there keep crocea clams on the sandbed (attached to a small rock for bys. gland) instead of on their live rock?
I am wondering if I have to move the clam up, or can I just leave it where it is on the sandbed? Tank is 24" in height and I use 400 watt 20K halides.
The clam is about 4" in length, and has appeared to be doing well for the past 2 months.
Thanx for any info in advance :)
All my crocea's are on the sandbed about 12-13" water under a 250W 10k HQI. I have no experience with the 400w 20k bulbs.

If it has been doing well for the last 2 months, has shell growth and good colouration I would just leave it as is so not to upset it.
The crocea clam really if possible should be on a rock. They are known as the boring clam. In the wild they will bore into the rock for protection. One of the reasons for their high price is that a driver has to chistle them out. Your idea of a smaller piece of rock is a great one that way you can move them upwards toward more light. I have a 24 inch height tank with 400 watts and my croceas are (after time) 12 inches away from the bulbs.
In Nature, Crocea are found on rock. However, in our tank, they will do just fine in the sand. I like to put them on the sand first so i can check them for parasitic snails and clean them off the clams. Onece I am sur that there are no parasites, then I move them to their final position. I have 16 clams in my tank. All of them are on the sand. I have 400 W MH, six of them on my 8 feet tank.
My 1 crocea clam was on the sand bed for awhile til it attached and now is up in the rock structure. The blue was sold but I still have the turquoise.

my 180 ecosystem sps tank:
my 120 ecosystem sps tank: