Crushed Coral


New member
I decided to use Crushed Coral for my substrate in my six gallon nano cube. People on most of the forums I have visited seem anti-crushed coral, even though most of my saltwater books recommend it , most of the fish stores i visit use it as well as my local aquarium. My question is, is it really that bad and why do people discount it ?

People suggest is a trap for debris, but I find that my crabs dig in it and I use a turkey baster to suck out stuff deep within, so cleaning it does not seem to be a problem.
In such a small tank it might not be a problem. In my experience where it becomes a problem is for the bigger tanks that are heavily stocked. When this is the case it becomes difficult to keep the bottom clean and over time the crushed coral becomes a Nitrate factory.
I guess, i started this post becuase I am on the fence. My tank is still fairly new (just the clean-up crew) and if I am going to change the substrate it better be now than later. Crushed Coral doesn't look bad, though sand looks more natural.