Cycling Reef Tank w/ live rock


New member
I added about 60 pounds of live rock to my new 75 gallon tank on friday. Of course I was called out of town for work for the weekend so I left the tank running (it was still cloudy from the live sand) and I came home last night to a crystal clear aquarium. I took readings of salinity ammonia nitrite and nitrate to see where I stood and got some unclear information. Salinity was fine at 1.025 sg. Ammonia came in around 0.3 and Nitrates were reading at 5 ppm. Nitrites were very low (nearly 0). Now I know I will get a more clear picture as I can now test every day but after three days of not being able to test I don't really know what these results mean. Since Nitrite is low and nitrate is high could I already have had a nitrite spike that quick?
Oh this might be relevant as well Im using api for ammonia and salifert for both Nitrite and Nitrate
Depending on the quality of the live rock, you may not see much of a cycle. Being that I've never cycled a tank from scratch, take my advice with a grain of salt, but if the live rock was fully cycled or near it, you may only get a mini-cycle. I would definitely keep testing that ammonia until its 0. I wouldn't think you need to test every day. If in doubt, throw some pellets in there and see if you get an ammonia spike. If not, you're good.
similar experience with my sons 60 using live sand and rocks that had been brewing for about 2 months. The cycle was almost non-existent, after less than 10 days readings were perfect.

Good luck hopefully you have a similar outcome.
Thanks for the replies! I did buy higher quality rock that had "cooked" for a bit and had heard it would likely shorten any cycle. I'll of course know in a week or so I'll just wait it out and keep monitoring things. If I can't get a better picture in a few days I'll certainly try putting some pellets or a shrimp from the grocery store in there and go from there.
Thanks Again!
Ide follow something like this, but would wait a good 4-6 weeks before putting in anything anyways. Then start slow, and keep monitoring for a few more weeks, beofre thinking its done. Its a cautious approach. Hard to do I know.


EDIT: i dont think pic came out but basically its a pic of an aquarium Nitrogen Cycle.
Ide follow something like this, but would wait a good 4-6 weeks before putting in anything anyways. Then start slow, and keep monitoring for a few more weeks, beofre thinking its done. Its a cautious approach. Hard to do I know.

Thanks for your advice! I will take my time no rush to stock that's for sure I want to make sure everything is on point. Until then I will keep testing every few days work on my scape and continue to fine tune the system.