DAP silicone?


Premium Member
i bought a few tubes of this silicone to re silicone the inside of a 180 ive removed all the old silicone .
id like to check the board for any suggestions before i start.
it says its safe for food contact and releases aceidic acid when cureing.
Usually the silicone that's safe is the one that doesn't mention anything about aquariums. The one that I have used over the years has been GE silicone I Windows and Doors. It comes in the blue and white tubing and is equivalent to the ones sold at the LFS.
it dont mention anything about aquariums.and it says safe for food contact.it also says 100% silicone rubber.
the only GE silicone i saw was the GE II i dont want to use it.
Usually all the GE brands says not safe for aquarium uses except the window and door GE 100% silicone. The put the claim on other tubing because they don't want to be liable in terms of a lawsuit. My LFS has used the window and door silicone for years and there hasn't been any effect of the fishes and corals.
I am not sure about DAP but I do recall that people in the newsgroup have used it. These two products are supposedly the same thing but I have no experience with the brand.



Good luck.:smokin:
Hi All,

The thing to watch out for is to make sure that the silicon that you use is based on an acidic acid solvent. I.e. it should smell like vinegar when it is curing.

GE Silicon II is not based on an acidic acid solvent and is not suitable for Aquarium use.

GE Silicon I is, and I have used it for many years for various aquarium projects.

Here are the products that I have used.

1 GE Silicon Rubber ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œGeneral Household Sealant, 100% silicon GE stock number GE 012

2 Permatex Clear RTV Silicon Adhesive Sealant.

3 AllGlass Aquarium Silicon Sealant http://www.all-glass.com/products/other/default.html


Home Depot sells a tub of GE Silicone (Blue I think) on the tube it states that it is safe for Aquarium use. I used it for glueing my baffles in the sump. Stay clear of the Kitchen and bathroom stuff, they contain chemicals to make them mildew resistance

I believe the reason GE II is not safe for aquariums is because of the tensile strength, not because of any fungicides or additives.

SPasse said:

GE Silicon II is not based on an acidic acid solvent and is not suitable for Aquarium use.
Hi All,

Sorry, I was not trying to imply that the reason that GE Silicon II was not suitable was because of the solvent per say, just that this was the ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œeasiestââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ way to tell the two types mentioned above, apart.

As an engineer, I need to track down a Chemical Engineer and discuss Silicon Sealââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s tensile strength, permeability, etc.

Finally, considering that amount of force that the silicon bonding agents are under in our aquariums, ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œBargainââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ silicon does not hold much ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œfascinationââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ for me.

All Glass Aquarium used and recommended GE Silicon I for years. This is also my first choice.


Hello all, found this old thread about silicone. I have glued a taller piece of acrylic into my sump with GE silicone 2. This has cured for 3 weeks. From what I understand this is alright, just not strength wise.... This being on the inside and against another piece strength isnt the issue. Just making sure it is not toxic> any info greatly appreciated!
Very interesting. As when I was seraching which Silicon to use for my Q tank I decided to use Den Braven Silicone which is a very respected brand. Their Acidic one said it was not good for aquariums where as the Neutral one (without Acid) did not mention anything about aquariums.