Dead Clams


New member
I happened to be in the Satellite Blvd Duluth area talking to a store employee.

He talked alot of a product that would remove cyano using bacteria to naturally remove it from a reef system.

I explained the creatures in my tank (Including my clams).

I was told that not only do they use this in there store. That there home and office contractor also used this stuff.

Here is the result:

Day one - used the product as described on the label.

As the product moved throughout the tank and blew over my clams one-by-one they closed up.

I called the store first thing in the morning to advise on what happened.

The store had there "contractor" call me. Who after 20 minutes stated that he personally never used the product in a tank with clams or a clam tank.

Result- No help

I called the store back and asked to speak with the owner to advise that an employee had put there name on a product that they used but had not tested. As a result my clams closed up. My concern was to find out if this product was going to harm them.

3 days later with no call back.

My clams died.


I called the store back to bring the product back and to speak with the owner once again.

Result- I brought the product back -refund-

While in the store I again asked to talk to the owner who of course was not in again.

After a brief conversation I asked if this is how they treat there customers.

Answer- This is how we treat our customers when we are not at fault.

My reply-

I suggested to sell him a product for his kids.

When they Die. I said. Don't come to me contact the manufacture.

He then went on to the next customer at which point I left the store.

My question-

Do you think I was out of line?

Should I retain a lawyer?

What should I do about "My kids" (Clams)?

I would at least expect to talk to the owner. If he or she comes out of hiding.
very sorry about your clams.

not to sound too unsympathetic, but we are in a hobby where many of us consumers are more knowledgable than the LFS employees. Your not too harsh, but it is really buyer beware. No offense to my LFS, but I only regard them as another opinion. I would suggest posting anything your not sure of on RC, and wait for several responses. RC members aren't always right, but someone will usually caution you more than the usual LFS guy.

to losely quote another RC member,

only bad things happen fast in a reef tank (so move slowly in making changes or trying anything new)

Also, if you plan to replace your clams, do a search on "clam bacteria" first. there is a nasty clam killing bacteria going around.

good luck
Caveat emptor. There is no miracle product to remove nuisance algae. You have to treat the root of the problem not the symptom. Sorry to say but you have no recourse but a refund of your purchase and the knowledge you should NEVER add dubious products with dubious claims to your tank again.