The "package" specifies 1 lb per gallon of live sand, which I assume is wet weight. How thick of a substrate does this typically provide? Obviously tank height will vary the depth of the substrate since there will be more volume with the same sq feet of tank base as height increases.
I originally wanted a 4-6" DSB for my 180G reef but some of the more knowlegeable reefers I know say they had the best success with no subtrate at all (i.e. strict Berlin system). But I like the look of sand below the live rock, plus it helps reflect light back into the reef.
I originally wanted a 4-6" DSB for my 180G reef but some of the more knowlegeable reefers I know say they had the best success with no subtrate at all (i.e. strict Berlin system). But I like the look of sand below the live rock, plus it helps reflect light back into the reef.