Depth of sand bed in "package"


Premium Member
The "package" specifies 1 lb per gallon of live sand, which I assume is wet weight. How thick of a substrate does this typically provide? Obviously tank height will vary the depth of the substrate since there will be more volume with the same sq feet of tank base as height increases.

I originally wanted a 4-6" DSB for my 180G reef but some of the more knowlegeable reefers I know say they had the best success with no subtrate at all (i.e. strict Berlin system). But I like the look of sand below the live rock, plus it helps reflect light back into the reef.
Re: Depth of sand bed in "package"

ekovalsky said:
The "package" specifies 1 lb per gallon of live sand, which I assume is wet weight. How thick of a substrate does this typically provide? Obviously tank height will vary the depth of the substrate since there will be more volume with the same sq feet of tank base as height increases.

I originally wanted a 4-6" DSB for my 180G reef but some of the more knowlegeable reefers I know say they had the best success with no subtrate at all (i.e. strict Berlin system). But I like the look of sand below the live rock, plus it helps reflect light back into the reef.

My suggestion would be to use the Sand bed calculator here at:

That should give you a pretty good idea of how MUCH sand you need to purchase to get the depth of DSB you want. You should also pretty much assume that 1 pound of live sand is wet weight as if it was dry, it DEFINITELY wouldn't be 'live' sand. :D

Hope that helps you out.


Andy :wildone:
75 lbs of their live sand (I never actually weighed, don't know how close it was to this) in my 75 gal gives about 2 inches depth.
4-6'' ?

Wow thats alot of sand. thats probably close to 600 lb. of sand isn't it? I have approximately 2'' of sand in my 110 this is somewhere near 120 lb. using the natures ocean sand bags. It seems to be working well for I have undetectable ammonia,nitrite and nitrate levels.I thought I had a bad salifert test kit so I also purchased the fastest low nitrate test kit and it reads exactly the same. not detectable.
600 lb. of sand is very expensive if it's not really needed. All my reef buddies run there systems exactly like I do with the exact same results. We all have euro-reef skimmers which may or may not have something to do with our success.
robthorn said:
4-6'' ?

I have approximately 2'' of sand in my 110 this is somewhere near 120 lb. using the natures ocean sand bags. It seems to be working well for I have undetectable ammonia,nitrite and nitrate levels.

I'm seting up my 150g 72x20x24 and I'm thinking of ysing this sand. How long has yours been setup and are you geting bubbles floating out of the sand?
well I just set up my 180 and the 110 is gone but it was running for about 8 months and the 58g I had before for about 2 years used the same sand and amount I had 60 lb. in it . I had very little skimming on the 58 and still had undetectable nitrates. Yes on all my tanks I have had the little nitrogen bubbles floating out of the sand. my 180 is almost a month old and there is already bubbles.
Everyone I know that has a reef uses this sand with good results . I have yet to hear of anyone complaining about it. So I figure why not use what works.
1lb per gallon looks nice and works well. you have an odd tank size so just use 160lb. since you can only buy it in 20lb bags. Should be somewhere around 2 inches deep. if you get a sleeper goby he will keep it looking great. I have been hearing scary results with "DEEP SANDBEDS" another shimek deal I never really believed in. bio assay was another but I tried the salt and I am paying for it severely. dead corals everywhere
robthorn said:
well I just set up my 180 and the 110 is gone but it was running for about 8 months and the 58g I had before for about 2 years used the same sand and amount I had 60 lb. in it . I had very little skimming on the 58 and still had undetectable nitrates. Yes on all my tanks I have had the little nitrogen bubbles floating out of the sand. my 180 is almost a month old and there is already bubbles.
Everyone I know that has a reef uses this sand with good results . I have yet to hear of anyone complaining about it. So I figure why not use what works.
1lb per gallon looks nice and works well. you have an odd tank size so just use 160lb. since you can only buy it in 20lb bags. Should be somewhere around 2 inches deep. if you get a sleeper goby he will keep it looking great. I have been hearing scary results with "DEEP SANDBEDS" another shimek deal I never really believed in. bio assay was another but I tried the salt and I am paying for it severely. dead corals everywhere

My sand bed on my 55g is 3" bubbles all the time I think of anything over 1/2" is a dsb I plan on about 2" to 3" on my new tank
robthorn said:
if you get a sleeper goby he will keep it looking great.

bio assay was another but I tried the salt and I am paying for it severely. dead corals everywhere

don't sleeper gobys dump sand on the rocks and corals or is that another goby

bio assay what is that
some sleeper gobies do that bad like the yellowheaded one. the orange spot/diamond is not as bad. but they never stop digging so make sure your rock is sitting on the bottom of the tank.
Bio assay is some junk salt that alot of experienced people are having alot of trouble with. junk I guess is my oppinion good thing we are all entitled to them .
robthorn said:
some sleeper gobies do that bad like the yellowheaded one. the orange spot/diamond is not as bad. but they never stop digging so make sure your rock is sitting on the bottom of the tank.
Bio assay is some junk salt that alot of experienced people are having alot of trouble with. junk I guess is my oppinion good thing we are all entitled to them .

I have seen sand with sleeper gobies looks real nice but the diging thing my sand in my 55g looks real good with snails hermitcrabs, never have to clean it...

So if so many people are having problems why use it?

Oh check this post about nature's ocean tell me what you think
well we have been using this sand for a few years . when I say we it is everyone I know that has a reef tank and thats alot of people. Randy at first said the levels probably aren't high enough to matter. this is what I believe also. I have phosphate tests from salifert and have never had a problem with phosphates. my buddy did have phosphates in his caribsea crushed coral plenum tank which is now gone and replaced with natures ocean. no signs of phosphates in new system.
You have to figure they know where this sand is going and what we are using it for. They understand that we don't want high phosphates so they probably use just enough. I hope.
Good luck whatever you decide.
For the record, I have a 80 gal (48x18x23tall) and I bought a TBS package, including a total of 75 lbs of their sand. I put in 120 lbs of sugar sand on the bottom ( and the 75 lbs of TBS sand on top. I have tons of worms and whatever else that burrow though the sand. I also have millions of nitrogen bubbles throughout it.

I would recommend doing it exactly like I did, inert sugar sand on the bottom and the live sand on the top. It worked great for me.
robthorn said:
well we have been using this sand for a few years . when I say we it is everyone I know that has a reef tank and thats alot of people. Randy at first said the levels probably aren't high enough to matter. this is what I believe also. I have phosphate tests from salifert and have never had a problem with phosphates. my buddy did have phosphates in his caribsea crushed coral plenum tank which is now gone and replaced with natures ocean. no signs of phosphates in new system.
You have to figure they know where this sand is going and what we are using it for. They understand that we don't want high phosphates so they probably use just enough. I hope.
Good luck whatever you decide.

I just put 9 bags in my 150g 72x20x24 about 2.5" sand bed and 2 bags in my fuge. pics will be up shortly @