Derasa Clam Health Question


New member
I have had this clam for about 3 years and it has been slowly growing in my 55 reef. Due to some problems with this tank, I moved the clam to a new 75 reef in my living room. He has been doing great since the move (about 3 months). He is opening very well.

My question is about some small bite marks on his tissue that hangs over his mantle. I am not sure if he has alway been like this or not. It looks like some very small (1/16 of an inch or so) bites have been taken off the edge.

Due to a very agressive basslet, I have not moved my 6 lined wrass into the 75 reef yet.

Is this normal or is somthing eating him?

Thanks for the help.
Andrew, there are many, many critters that probably enjoy snacking on your Derasa's mantle. These little bite marks are not uncommon, as I have observed them in my systems as well. I have observed many "nuisance" inhabitants that are all culprits - blue devil damsels come to mind, a few shrimp species, and small crabs which hitchhike on live rock.

I found the latter pests with a flashlight and the lights off. I observed them, then promptly dropped them in 91% isopropyl alcohol. A swift and gratifying justice for damaging my mantles, I might add. Their tiny screams could be heard from inches away...... :mad: :eek1:

If they are small, neat semicircle incisions into the mantle flesh, they are probably from some fish you have in the system. In my experience, only small fish can make those neat little bite marks. Isolation of the clam will allow these parts of the mantle to grow back, and the xooz will repopulate the new growth.