Deresa or Squamosa Low light


New member
Which clam will tolerant VHO's? I know that clams love light and phytoplankton, but will certain types still grow under VHO's? Are Deresa or Squamosa of equal or better choices for VHO's in a 30 gallon?

I won't say you can't keep them under VHO but you are depriving him the light that is need for growth and coloration. Clams are filter feeders and also need intense light for photosynthesis.

IMO I wouldn't do it.

Low Light

Low Light

I would agree with Barry (he has ALOT more experience than me with clams) but you don't say how much light you have over your tank. Being a 30 gal (if standard) than the depth is what 15" or less? If the vho is sitting on the tank, and say with a 3-5" sand bed and you have say 4-6 vho (not sure how many you can fit on a 30) I would think this would be enough to keep a deresa or squa. alive. You may not get tremendous growth, but everything else (parameters) being equal the clam should live and not be "sickly"
Just my .02
Now if you do decide to try this I would really go for a Derasa. They tend to do pretty well under lower light conditions and with the use of phyto is a benifit. You should probably place the clam higher in the tank but you should be ok....

The tank currently has 3 VHO 75 watt. They are about two to three inchs from the top. Also, a 4 inch DSB and live rock close to the top. Not sure about the height of the tank, it is a standard 25 gallon(thought it was a 30). I have never had a problem keeping corals. I was thinking about the Squamosa. People keep telling me that the brown colored ones are low light. I have also heard that they like to be placed in the sand bed. I will be adding DT's every other day. I really want to give it a try.

I have noticed plenty of online stores an LFS that sell Derasa and Squamosa as low light clams for VHO's an PC. I was wondering if it was a marketing strategy or reality.

Are the Derasa and Squamosa about equal in light consumption?