Dersa Clam won't stay put?


Premium Member
I keep wanting to have my new dersa in a specific spot, low and slightly wedged on a rock, not too far off from the sandbed. Yet every couple of days, it jumbs off onto the sandbed looking for its happy place. Is this a battle I wont win? Can anyone offer suggestions on how to keep it in place? Thanx.:mad:
That's because Derasa's prefer to be in the sand. Why won't you just put it in the sand? Croceas and Maximas usually like bring in rocks, but IME Derasas, Squamosas, and Gigas like sand.
when clams are new to a tank they tend to move around a bit until the are adjusted to there new surroundings. if your lighting is strong enough to reach the clam where you are placing it it should settle down soon. it is just fine to place your derasa in the rock work. they are commonly found there in the wild.all clams are most commonly found on the reef,Squamosas are Reef clams,Gigas and Derasa can be found on the reef as well as hard substrates, the term "sand bed clams " is misleading, it leads you to believe that that is only where they are found. Sand moves around a lot and clams that are on sand that is not sheltered from storms wont be there long
My derasa, squamosa, and gigas has been in my tank for a while and they have since not stopped moving. They are all doing well and growing in considerably good rate now. I think they are just spinning around for the best angle for water flow or light efficiency.