Different between two company

Different between two company

Dear All,

Would anyone Please tell me that what is the relationship between these two company "Walt Smith International Ltd." and "Pacific Aqua Farms"? I see Walt Smith's name on both of this two company website. Are they are just sister company hold by Walt Smith or there is another story? BTW, In your option which shop's products are better...or they just the same???

Thanks for your answer....
I'll take a shot at this.
If I have it correct, WSI, Ltd is the wild-collected division, and Pacific Aqua Farms is the captive raised/farmed division. Someone will correct me if this is wrong.



Dear Sam,
It is simple: WSI Fiji & WSI Tonga are two separate companies that are collecting stations in those countries and ship only to wholesalers worldwide. WSI Fiji has also started our farming operations back in 1998 in which we fragment and grow various species of coral and manufacture (and grow) man made live rock also available to wholesalers direct from Fiji.
Pacific Aqua Farms was established in 2000 to promote the farming operations in Fiji mainly because of little interest at wholesale level. PAF does sell directly to retail stores whereas the other two companies do not. I have found this move necessary to promote the concept of farm raised products and have stationed myself in Los Angeles to make myself directly available to the market and speaking circuit. Paf only sells products that we either grow or harvest and do not sell fish. Stores have now realized that farm raised corals can be just as attractive and available as wild caught and it is our mission to turn the tide in this direction .... if we can.
Walt Smith owns and operates all three companies.
Thank you for your interest,
Thanks for your answer.

Thanks for your answer.

Thanks for your answer. Coz I just want to know what is the different of the products they offer..Thanks!