dinos? diatoms? either way i cant lick it


In Memoriam
well, i had cyano a few months ago and was able to kick it by vacuuming sandbed with water changes and using chemi-clean..............ive got this new type of alga, brown and stringy tho, not matted like cyano..........................i tried chemi and keeping the lights off for 24 hours, then a water change and vacuuming out what i could....................its right back today, what do i have to do, a water change every day? i cant afford to keep lights off anymore as my seabae was not liking it....................tank is 2 years old, i dont understand why im having these problems, i suspect my dsb.....................i use 0 tds ro/di, i feed once every 3 days, i run ozone , my orp is around 360-370 usually...............and im still having problems , i dont what else i can do..............

and its on rock too not just sand, but its funny, where there is little to no flow i have none.............it seems to like the high flow spots, i know cyano acts the opposite
I had the same stuff a while back. I used to run my PC's for 12 hours and my MH for 11 hours a day. I cut the lights off for 24 hours, then only ran them for 6 hours the next day and added an hour or so each day from there. I only run my PC's for 10 hours and my MH for 8 hours now and it hasn't come back.
i have t-5 i run for 10 hrs, im also waiting for replacements ,they are old, im wondering if thats contributing to this, anyone know what it is exactly that will only grow in flow?
If you've had cyano problems it's also likely your flow is insufficient. I'd reach for some seios or tunze powerheads before i dosed chemicals in my tank.

That stuff looks like cyano and not dino's or diatoms. There are may forms of cyano. Diatoms really don't look like that and either do dino's
really, im wondering why chemi clean didnt take care of it, it always has in the past................ive been shortening my light periods, it seems to be alot less now