dip results Help w/ ID


New member
i've got these strange things in my fuge. they've just started to pop up in the last couple of months. any clue what they are?

the small snails you want to look out for are pyramidal snails (attack clams), and sundial snails (attack zoas). none of those look like them to me. but could be wrong...

i guess other bad things to look out for if the corals are stressed are red bugs on sps, acro flat worms, and nudibranches on zoanthids.
003 is a strombus snail. fantastic little algae eater that reproduces in the tank. 005 is a limpet, some species of limpets are coral eaters but the little ones like that aren't. they *really* like to live right up in the sludge in a skimmer neck.

the only bad thing about either is they can get into pumps and clog the inlets if you don't have a fine enough prefilter on them.

if you're worried about either (i wouldn't be), get some wrasses. leopard wrasses will tear them up.
I had a yellow Corris Wrasse carrying one of those around in his mouth the other day. He would spit it up in the water, then catch it trying to get to the goodies inside. I've had trouble with the Leopard Wrasses not shipping well. The Corris Wrasses are quite a bit cheaper ($12 I think) and easier to acclimate to captivity if you want those things gone. They can be a pain in the skimmer becketts, though they don't really hurt anything.