Interesting. I thought croceas are rock-boring clams, and are found embedded in rock in their natural habitat. Here is a web site with more info, and some selected quotes...Fish-o-holic said:From what I have learned or heard from others, croceas are generally found on the sandbed. Therefore, they want to be on the sand...
Fish-o-holic said:From what I have learned or heard from others, croceas are generally found on the sandbed. Therefore, they want to be on the sand. Both my croceas are on the sandbed and I placed a rock under each and they have since attached to it. Both are happy and thriving. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.
If you must have the clam on the rocks, then I would find a area where the clam cannot fall. Maybe some kinda groove or dip that will prevent the clam from moving side to side.
It can take as little as one day before they attach up to two weeks. Clams once attached can detach themself if they're unhappy or for whatever other reason.RussC said:Well, I'm having a devil of a time to get this guy to stay still. I did a little work last night trying to wedge him in with some rocks. He evaded my wedge and jumped again. How long does it take for a clam to attach to something? I am thinking I'll leave him on the sand on a rock and let him attach, then move him. Once they attach, can they unattach?