Does my clam look healthy? (large file)


New member
This is my first clam and I am not sure if it looks ok... Why does it not have a full petal-like mantle? Will it grow in? This is the first day the clam has been in the tank... is it not fully extended?

Is my clam just shaped funny?

The clam is ~3" and under 250w HQI lighting in a 30" cube... It has since been moved onto the rockwork 15" from the surface.


The clam looks fairly good to me. I think it will extend it's mantle a little further after it has adjusted to your tank params and lighting. What lighting was it under previously. It may need to be slowly acclimated to your lights. From the picture, it is hard to see the intake siphon so can't tell if it is gaping or not. Gaping is a pretty good indicator of whether or not the clam is ok. BTW, your cam is a Crocea.
I agree that looks like a good looking clam...I love croceas. It does not look like it is gaping, seems pretty happy to me.
Thanks for the replies... I don't think it is gaping, though it might have been the first few hours I put it in the tank.

The clam was previously in a tank 10"-15" from the surface with a 400w 20k bulb ~24" above that tank... my light is a 10k DE AB bulb ~7" above the water... I was thinking that this is somewhat similar lighting...
I agree with Travis. Once the clam has adjusted to your tank I think you will see the mantle extending much fuller. For being new to the tank it looks to be doing good.

Beautiful clam by the way.