Don't forget about our move


New member
It seems like the ORCA forums have not been getting the attention they deserve. Jon worked really hard to make something special for our group; it's the least we can do to start using it. Trust me, if you haven't been on there, it's worth it to make the change. Much more organized and tidy. No more "classifieds" look for us. Full throttle forum action!!! (sorry, just trying to get everyone excited) Make the's the right thing to do. Just an interesting side-fact: ORCA members who use the ORCA forum site live an average of 10-20 years longer and within just one year of registering to our forum, 93% of registered users have noted a 40-80% increase in compesation from their employers. Then again it's been proven that 72% of all statistics are made up (or has it??). This is may not be true, but from the calculations of my opinions, it might be. And who's to say it's not? Have any of you done any studies to the contrary? I love this Colbertian style of truth: if it hasn't been disproven, then it could definitely maybe happen. See you guys on the other side:
If you would read the announcement in the member intro and member aquarium section you would know...