dont have a picture but


New member
in my new three week old 20gh tank that is still cycling I started noticing tunnels being dug under my live rock. I thought nothing of it because I saw a very tiny brown crab in the tank about two weeks before and assumed it was him doing it. Then about 2 days ago I noticed a pair of green eyes looking at me from one of the holes in the live rock. This guy was not intimidated by me, even when I tapped on the glass. I went to get my wife and he dissappeared and didnt see him again untill last night. There he was looking at me again then he took off. Darting in and out off every nook and crany in my live rock stopping every few seconds to look at me. Still at this point the only part of him I have seen is from the front pearing out of the rock. So I decided to lure him out with a nice piece of squid. Quess what? It worked only after he inspected it from every possibly angle in the tank and sneaked up on from a hole that I didnt see and scared the bejesus out of me and took the squid in a blink of the eye and dissappeared. I think this is a mantis but I have never seen one. I can tell you that he is mostly green and smart as hell.

almost creepy how intelligent they act, huh? i'd take him, but i already gots three. set up a mini-tank for him, it's fun. i got a setup for 25 bucks at wal-mart with some crushed coral and a few pounds of rock and my mantises are doin' fine.
To tell you the truth I have only seen him completly once. But from the front or head he is green (eyes are green too) and bright red. His body is almost a solid red/green color. Sorry bad discription, I need a dig camera.
I think I have the same one you do, I have a pic some where on the mants board check it out and tell me if it the one you have.