Don't you hate it when...


New member
you go into the tank to replace something that fell only to have an avalanche as the result? Just spent the last hour doing an unplanned/emergency reaquascape of my 90. Started cursing and the wife and dogs scattered to the far corners of the house.:eek1:

All is okay now. And I think I now have more spots for corals! :p
Re: Don't you hate it when...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11138054#post11138054 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lpsluver
Started cursing and the wife and dogs scattered to the far corners of the house.:eek1:

LOL I know how you feel. I recently redid my aquascaping and spent over $80 on aquascape glue and now no avalances.

Man...I started one day 1 hour before work to fix a fallen rock or two. 3 hours later I was still at home. lol luckily my boss is super cool.
LMAO been there done that ! TOP TEN REASONS

Because turning that one rock one inch counter-clockwise inevitably turns into a four hour aquascaping project, after which you discover you liked it better the way it was.

Remove that ONE rock to do something to it, and you'll NEVER get it back where it looks right, ever again!

That one critical, load-bearing piece of base rock is now buried under the other 200 lbs. just because you had to have it where the light, current and everything is perfect; moved due to the fact it had one stinking star polyp on it when you got it.
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Funny you should mention it because the exact same thing happened to me yesterday (again!!). Doing a water change... I'm like let me move this just... alil... oh sh... 3hrs!!
Did it twice, moving the same piece of birdsnest that had been knocked over. Funny how a coral "on its own" can fall back to a place that is impossible to get to without moving 100 lbs of rock.
"Ahh "Boss, I am going to be late today. What's that, no the kids are fine. No the wife is ok too. You see a rock fell over in my fish tank and I had to pick it up. Well then I had to rescape the thank. Cant go to work when the tank does not look its best. I know I have patients to see but now you see I have one of the most potent nuro toxins on my hands. Yep, stronger than a cobra. Yea I got that from my tank too. But it should only take me 2-4 hours to play, er I mean fix my tank. I will be in later.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11138881#post11138881 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
Man...I started one day 1 hour before work to fix a fallen rock or two. 3 hours later I was still at home. lol luckily my boss is super cool.