double checking dersa clam lighting LFS says yes


New member
I have a 55g with 220w VHO 1-Super Actinic and 1-Actinic/White. The clam would be placed on the sandbed at a depth of approx. 22"-24" from the lights. Will this be okay or is more lighting needed? Would the same set-up be okay for one of the squamosa (spelling??) clams?
Also would placing it up on the rockwork somewhere help me out any? Is it okay for it to be placed on the rocks somewhere?
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If the 220w VHO arent enough would 330w VHO be okay??
1-Super Actinic
1-Aquasun (10k)
Hey, Senor Cable Guy, Great job on coming here and asking BEFORE you purchased the clam instead of after. That shows your an intelligent reefer.

Regarding the derasa or squamosa, I think those particular clams will be fine under the 330 watts of VHO. 220 watts is sort of pushing it, aim for 330 watts, or better yet 440watts. I think has a sale right now on VHO set-ups plus a coupon 10 bucks off for the holidays. Of you can always splurge and get the halides, then you'll never have to worry about what you can and cannot keep.
Another thing will be to check in the LFS under what light they keep their clam and how the clam respond to the light.
Thanks Project Reef...I always planned on getting MH, really only reason why I have 220w VHO, would 2-175w MH be okay or do i need 250w? I thought about getting only 1 MH but got to see a tank with just one and it is like a constant day to dusk look, not to appealing, to me.
Vili..thanks for the advice i did check it out when i was there and they have them in a 20g long under 330w VHO with a 20" depth away from lights, they have looked great everytime i went there(almost every day) always open, and very colorful. There tank and lights is main reason I came here i honestly didnt think the 220w would be okay for one in my tank, but on eguy really felt it would adapt very easily.

Thanks for the help, i will wait till i can upgrade my lighting. Might just look at getting a 3 bulb harness from hellolights, since I already use there ballast and 2 bulb harness, cheaper than MH right now.
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I agree -- 330 will work fine (make sure the 3rd bulb is more of a daylight spectrum than blue). Not too sure about 220, esp'ly with a deresa.