Durasa Clam question


New member
I have a durasa clam that has grown from a very, very small size to larger than a softball over the past five years. It always has white on the shell edges showing new growth.

Recently, I have noticed color loss under the "spout". Looks almost worn under the whole. Any idea what could cause this?
He still opens very well and has normal coloration everywhere else.

About 2 months ago I added a 96W 6700K PC lamp to my 4VHO lamp setup on my 75 reef (total of 536watts). VHOs are 3 months old.

Nothing else has really changed.

Any ideas and is this something to worry about?


Could it be a sign of growth? What is your alk and ca at?

If you could post a pic, maybe we can help you out better.
No Camera at the moment. I need one. My water checks out fine. Alk is around 9dkh, Calcium around 380-400. I drip Kalk daily. PH runs 7.9-8.2 morning to night.

These are the same water parameters I always keep so I doubt it is that. If anything, I was wondering if the increased light had something to do with it (if he was bleaching). However, he looks fine everywhere except below the spout. It may have always looked like this and I have just not noticed it before.

I will keep an eye on him and see if anything changes.
