Eco-Aqualizer (may fama article)


New member
Randy, Has your opinions stayed the same? Could this thing really do what it claims? Sounds way to good IMO.
OK, I can't decide whether to be happily amused, maybe that this was even the April fools issue, or saddened by the fact that such incredible, ridiculous nonsense could get published and foisted on unsuspecting aquarists.

It is, of course, 99% bogus nonsense, with a trivially small amount of truth thrown in. In fact, one of the only things that I didn't question was the part that the "researcher" thought was black magic: that far infrared light might actually pass through a ceramic.

I'm happy to debate this issue with anyone that thinks it does something useful besides warming the water slightly.

In the meantime, don't waste your money.
I don't mean to make up their minds for them, but I'm sure that our other resident scientists (Habib, Bomber, Boomer, Mr. Quality, Waterkeeper, etc. etc.) can pick up a few nice points that they think best reflect on the usefulness of this device.

Any comments folks?
There are some more links at the bottom of this page which I presume is the scientific 'background' behind their technology.

I guess I'm best not to ask you guys to review my homeopathic ick medicine for aquariums when I release it :D
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B b but, we need to energize our H20 molecules and activite the NaCl sterilizers in our tanks :lolspin:
I guess I'm best not to ask you guys to review my homeopathic ick medicine for aquariums when I release it

Actually, I'm open to anything up to singing to the fish, if you show that it works.:D
Actually, I'm open to anything up to singing to the fish, if you show that it works

Don't do it! I tried that, the fish were OK, but all my corals bleached! :(
As soon as the article mentioned NASA Technology, my kook meter went to 11.

This product falls in the same category as the magnetic fuel conditioners for your car and those magnetic bracelets sold on late night TV commercials. They're all bogus.

From Bobs ad in
"The ECO- Aqualizer is a tube-shaped device containing a passive magnetic and energy source. As water flows through the tube, the water's hydrogen bonds are manipulated with magnetism and then further manipulated with 'light' energy, thereby resulting in an effluent that contains an increased amount of oxygen."
I guess the word 'light' is in quotes because it's not actually light. It must be some other type of "passive energy source." An effluent that contains an increased amount of Oxygen? And where does this oxygen come from, or does it come from the magnets?

Here are links for more information about these claims. 143.pdf

The James Randi Educational Foundation ( ) has $1,000,000 waiting for anyone that can show in a double-blind test that water has any measurable difference once the magnetic fields have been removed. So far, not one person has been able to show anything.

If Bob Goemans actually does believe that "review" (I hate to call it that, since it's about as unbiased as a TV infomercial), then he's a fool. If not, then he's a charlatan.
Well yah know Randy, I just got home and pulled the new FAMA out of the bag and say this ad and came here to drop the bomb shell on you about this wonderful device. I figured you would be pulling your hair out and you don't have that much but way more than me. Then I say this funny post. As far as Bob goes he still believes in Santa Clause and anythng he reviews is gets an A, just go read his reviews. These magic toys have been around for years and make about a much sense as me coming over and :wavehand: over your tank and all ions are in perfect balance, after I say the magic words abra-ga-dabra.

can pick up a few nice points that they think best reflect on the usefulness of this device.

OK, I got here before Jerel, so he can't say NO Boom don't say it. So IMHO you can stick this device where the sun doesn't shine...........maybe it will help from staining you shorts, just a thought:D
That whole thing is funny and very sad at the same time.

From their website:

He determined that carbon and water are essential ingredients for life. It also become evident that magnetism is the glue that helps hold lifeââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s ingredients together.

I think he is quite late with the first sentence. :D

Thanks to the second sentence I know undestand why each time I want to demagnetize anything it disintegrates. Beam me up Scotty. :D


BTW from the above link supplied to you. One of them appears to hold an ecoaqualizer in his hands by looking at the pics. Can you say which person?
Here's an article that I found that claims that you can use ceramics emitting far infrared to convert ammonia and nitrite to nitrate. I have no reason to doubt that. They might work when not emitting, like the ceramic media that many have used in the past, and they might actually help catalyze this reaction , if only by heat.

Water treatment in the aquarium by applying the electro magnetic wave ceramics. Otsuka, Masahiro; Imanishi, Tadao. Yashima Aquarium, Japan. Mizu Shori Gijutsu (2002), 43(4), 181-184.


A column of ceramics, radiating far IR of 4-14 mm, was placed in between a conventional sand filter and a fish tank in water circulation system in an aquarium. The concn. of NH3- and NO2-N decreased, by oxidn. to NO3-N, more rapidly than that in the system without the ceramic column. The concn. of NO3-N, after 58-days expt., decreased to approx. half of the system without the ceramic column. The aquarium water can be used by circulated for a long period, by treatment with electromagnetic ceramics.
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Here's an article that I found that claims that you can use ceramics emitting far infrared to convert ammonia and nitrite to nitrate.

There are at least two different things with the Ecoaqualizer.

First there is the method/technolgy and secondly there is the explanation.

Many of the explanations they give are IMO quite weird. If theire product works then IMO there must be a different explanation for it.

From the above abstract that you gave it seems that they did not do a blank with the ceramic material without having it emmit the IR radiation. It could just have been a good substrate for the bactreria with some nice adsorbtion capacity for some nutrients.
First there is the method/technolgy and secondly there is the explanation.

I agree.

From the above abstract that you gave it seems that they did not do a blank with the ceramic material without having it emmit the IR radiation. It could just have been a good substrate for the bactreria with some nice adsorbtion capacity for some nutrients.

I agree with that too. I did not read the Japanese original, but it sounds like there was no "non emitting" control.

For that matter, I'm not sure that one can ever stop these things from emitting when they are at any reasonable temperature, just as you cannot stop other things from emitting in other parts of the IR spectrum.

The control would have to be a "simliar" ceramic with different emission properties.
One of them appears to hold an ecoaqualizer in his hands by looking at the pics. Can you say which person?

:lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin:
None of you have tried one... so how do you know they don't work. I got two on my tanks one on a 80 gallon and one on a 55 gallon and the fish are better looking and more lively than they have ever been. Honestly don't knock it until you try one.