Electric Flame Scallop info?

Pimpn' Pepe

New member
I just purchased an electric flame scallop today and it is so interesting! I have searched many areas of the internet and I am having a difficult time in finding any real information on this species. I know that it is important to feed it DT's phytoplankton, which I do already for my clam, but I need to find out some more detailed information about this scallop. If anyone has one of these scallops please share all of your information. Thanks in advance.:D
I bought one several months ago. Put it in the tank and never saw it again. It went under the rock work and seem to attach itself hanging upside down. If i look with a flashlight at night I can see it. It seems to be doing well under there. I don't special feed the tank Dt's, just the food I give the fish.
I hate to say this, but you may regret buying one. :( Flame scallops do terribly in captivity, and many expert reefkeepers (and even some really honest LFS) suggest avoiding them due to their track record. Even in a pristine reef tank fed heavily with DTs they are lucky to live more than 6 months, as we just can't provide the massive amount of food they need (since they lack zooxanthalle). I did read recently that a few were kept alive for over a year, and it was considered a major step in keeping them.

Many of our animals have the potential with proper husbandry of living over a decade. Countless "old-timers" 20+ year old tanks have some fish and corals pushing the 2 decade mark! Personally, I can't bring myself to buy a flame scallop even though they are beautiful, amazing creatures.
Best of luck to you and your flame scallop! Please keep us updated. (Better start buying DTs by the gallon!)