emperor angel attacking green carpet anenome- help!!


Active member
My damn emperor angel keeps picking at my green carpet anenome- what can I do to discourage the angel? Anything that i can do to protect the anenome? so much for the anenome stinging the fish.

can someone please take this anenome off my hands before this damn fish kills it?

I would put the anenome in the sump but without a lot of light it will not survive either way it seems doomed
That above comment really helped... hmph.

Anyhow, have you tried feeding the angel more? This may discourage him, perhaps he might be really hungry or something. As the fish grows, he needs more food :).


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6953687#post6953687 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thereefmaster
That above comment really helped... hmph.

Is my bitterness showing? I'm sorry, but I'm in a bad place right now. Good luck to you and your anemone, dean. I have no more to say about the angelfish.
Thanks Guys,

The angel does not pick on any sps or my frogspawn, but he is beating up the anenome and tearing pieces of the green carpet off.

I have removed the anenome and placed it on a nice rock in the sump, there is residual light from the halides and t5 coming through the starboard into the sump and hopefully with feedings the anenome will stay alive until I can find it a better home.

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Angels are generally not reef-safe, aren't they? I have a flame angel that nips at xenia coral polyps...but I thought flame angels are one of the few exceptions to the rule...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6953589#post6953589 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sloshesv
Dang, I hate angelfish. Beasts of Satan, I tell ya.

:lol: I could say the same about carpet anemones. The one I used to have ate several fish. :lol:
I have to feed my tank 3-4 times a day to keep my sohol tang from getting aggressive. I would say offer the angel food multiple times a day and it will get used to being fed, and not search for other things to eat. Now granted my Tang should probably go to weight watchers... but after 3+ years I cant bear to part with him.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6958707#post6958707 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Anemonebuff
Add a clownfish. Clarkii's are pretty aggressive when protecting an anemone.

I agree....anemones with clowns tend to be left alone.