emraled crab eat shrimp

I have an emerald in with hermits and peppermint shrimp and have had no problems.
Yes they can eat shrimp, snails, crabs, fish etc. All crabs are omnivors, if they can make something a meal they will.
I wont have emerald crans for that purpose, once they get big normal scavenging wont do it for them, they will go to other sources for food.
Some will be fine and some wont, basically the word id you cant trust any crab, hermit or emerald. They all can do damage, but the emerald crabs are more like the nuisance crabs that you will find as hitchhikers.
Yeah people will buy them for bubble alage clean up but they are a hit or miss, they may and may not eat it.
I had a emerals crab for the bubble algae reason, and he never touched it.
Shortly after I noticed him eating my snails and my green chromis.
i have 2 emeralds in my tank. they have never bothered anything. from my experience if you have hungry crabs they will go hunting for a meal. keep them fed and they just wait for the next free meal. i feed mine about a 2x2 inch peice of algae strips about 1-2 times a week.