end of my clam?


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My squamosa clam has been through a lot, and it had finally started to look really good again. Now it's gaping and I'm wondering what, if anything, can be done.
The tank size and crew are in my sig line. It's been running as a reef for about 1.5 years. Here are some relevant parameters, and a little story:
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 5-10
pH 8.2
alk 3.5
Ca 425
T 81
What probably did it in was a series of events:
30 hour shipping time
It settled in just fine for a week, although the mantle was a bit pinched in one spot
The Isabel hit and it went 48 hours with no light and at 74 degrees
After the power went on, the whole crew came through fine, but the mantle was still pinched. I was told it was better to do the FW dip sooner, rather than later (7 min in FW, pH 8.3 at 80 degrees). That was tuesday, 3 days after the power came on.
Within a day, the mantle was fully extended, and it started to look normal.
Then last night, the incurrent siphon was open wide, and it was fully gaping by this morning.
I expect that it won't make it, but was wondering if there's anything I can do.
Give it time, little stress, and watch the magic happen..I'm sure it will live through it... Squamosa's are bulletproof clams.. Mine has been through alot, and is simply the hardiest clam I have...

I think it will make it.
It's dead. I think everything was too much for the little guy. Bums me out, but I'll try again, and try to avoid hurricanes. Thanks for the encouragement, though.