I appreciate your kind feedback.
I do not go into specific pump recommendations in the final article in this series on water pumps and just confine myself to procedures for installation and use of pumps in various tank configurations.
Recommending specific pumps is really an application dependent exercise, there is no one size fits all pump. Depending on whether you need simple circulation, drive a filter unit or running on a wavemaker/timer you will likely need different pumps (or end up using one pump very inefficiently). I've personal experience with Iwaki's of various sizes, MAK's, Rios, Grupp's and a few others. All of these can be made to work well as long as the pump is properly matched to your requirements, kept in good maintainance and installed properly. Not too surprising, this list of recommendations/requirements are the subjects of my articles on pumps.
Thanks again for your feedback and interest, RN