everyone everyone... build an auto-top off!


Claris or Elliot?
ok, i have a nano and a 125... and i hate replacing evap water daily. and another attribution to success is stability (temp, salinity, etc..) not the specific level itself.

anyway, i have a top-off on both my tanks. i used the ultralife float switch <a href="http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem.asp?idProduct=UL1111">(http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem.asp?idProduct=UL1111)</a>
on my 125 and a smaller and cheaper one from aquahub.com on my nano.

the setup is simple. if you use the ultralife switch, all you need is an air pump (medium size), airline tubing, electrical grommets (lowes), an airline check valve, and a 3-5 gallon jug. any kind of airtight container will do.

you drill two holes at the top of the container for the airline tubing. one line goes to the bottom of the container (i used rigid airline tubing for this side) and the other one just goes through the grommet for the line that connects to the air pump. plug the air pump into the float switch and set the float switch in your tank/sump and set it as described in the directions. the line in the container that goes from the bottom of the container will be the fill line.

when the float switch activates the air pump, it pressurizes the container. the container is then relieved of pressure via the other line by pushing water out of and into your sump/tank.

if you have no idea what i'm talking about (for the lack of diagrams and probably clarity) you can pm me and i will try to get you some specific direction.

this is just the idea of it. it's cheap and reliable... you can also use it to dose your reef with kalk or whatever you use

<img src="http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/586/9039430mar0502.jpg">
<BR>that's what i used

questions questions questions!!
this is exactly the setup i was planning on but wasnt sure what i was going to do for activiating it i thought a bout a valve withthe air pump set on a timer but this seems like a much easier solution
yeah as stated in my post, i used the aquahub switch for my nano. i only used the ultralife on my 125 because it was fully assembled and that makes me feel a little safer