Excellent article in March issue of Reefkeeping!


New member
Dr. Ron -

I just wanted to say that I found your current article in the March issue of Reefkeeping on the toxicity of Artificial Salt mixes both enlightening and fascinating. Thank you very much for taking the time to perform that experiment.

Agreed, Dr. Ron, good article! While many use Instant Ocean with great success, I was wondering if there was something out there more like NSW. It sure looks like Marinemixââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“Bioassay Formula is good stuff. I ran a google search and found nothing, is this salt available to the public?

I did find BIO-SEAÃ"šÃ‚® MARINEMIX online. I may have to give it a try! :)
Originally posted by Peabody


I ran a google search and found nothing, is this salt available to the public?

There is a link embedded in the article to a site that sells it. The link is to a business called "Aquatic Ecosystems" and the link is locate about 4 lines above the "Acknowledgements" section.

dr. ron, you didn't test kent sea salt in your experiment. do you have any experience with this product?


Dr. Ron,

Great article! Thanks for all that great info and taking the time to do such an experiment. I do have access to natural sea water during the warmer months. I wonder how good a mix of Crystal Sea and NSW would be?

Thanks again,

Dr. Ron,
Thank you for the article and research it was very helpful.

I wanted to be sure I'm ordering the correct one. Is this the mix I should be getting?

Forty Fathoms/Crystal Sea Salt Mixture, 150 Gallons for Bioassay Research

That's what I just ordered! :) I hope it's right!

This article came at the right time...I was about to get another IO bucket. Not amymore... :)
It's interesting, in some prior discussions about heavy metals in artificial salts an opinion was offered and generally accepted that to make a salt closer to NSW would just be prohibitively expensive and that this was the reason for the high "impurity" levels. I just checked the prices at Aquatic Ecosystems for the Crystal Sea salt mix. By my rough calculations it is actually cheaper (by a bit) than I have paid for Instant Ocean (and I got a pretty good price). We may see a run on the Crystal Sea! Thanks for the good work.
Originally posted by ReeferAl

Hi Allen,

It's interesting, in some prior discussions about heavy metals in artificial salts an opinion was offered and generally accepted that to make a salt closer to NSW would just be prohibitively expensive and that this was the reason for the high "impurity" levels.

Yes. This was my opinion. I am glad that I stand corrected.!! :D

Do have one question though, if I read the article correctly, the Bio-Sea Marine Mix actually had a higher live rate than the others. Why wouldn't that have been your brand of preference.

(too late to ask this question since I already ordered the other brand - just want to know )

Appreciate ya!


This confirms my inclination to use NSW in my next tank.

My last tank (SEVERAL years ago) was a FOWLR with reef tendencies set up with Instant Ocean. When I started using Catalina NSW for regular water changes, there was a marked and continuous improvement in the health and vitality of entire system.

While the two top performing salt mixes gave great results, the additional cost of using the real thing (when available) seems quite modest when when compared to the total system cost and value of the livestock.

When in doubt, trust Mother Nature! :thumbsup:
i use Tropic Marin i wonder why that wasn't tested it is said to be the best by a few people i have talked to. i have only 100% Tropic Marine.