Just curious , who uses an external Euroreef skimmer . I am planning a 150 gallon setup and was thinking of going with an external skimmer . have allways used in-sump skimmers because of concerns of a pump leaking when I was gone and flooding my house. Is this a legitimate concern or are the Sedra 5000 as bullet-proof as they say on their website.......?
The model I'm considering is the CS8-5-EXT . Anyone use one of these ? Would really appreciate some feedback. Also looking at the picture of the skimmer on their website , it's not real clear how you get the return effluent back to your sump ?
Thanks guys .......and gals for that matter.......Steve
The model I'm considering is the CS8-5-EXT . Anyone use one of these ? Would really appreciate some feedback. Also looking at the picture of the skimmer on their website , it's not real clear how you get the return effluent back to your sump ?
Thanks guys .......and gals for that matter.......Steve