external euroreef skimmers?


New member
Just curious , who uses an external Euroreef skimmer . I am planning a 150 gallon setup and was thinking of going with an external skimmer . have allways used in-sump skimmers because of concerns of a pump leaking when I was gone and flooding my house. Is this a legitimate concern or are the Sedra 5000 as bullet-proof as they say on their website.......?
The model I'm considering is the CS8-5-EXT . Anyone use one of these ? Would really appreciate some feedback. Also looking at the picture of the skimmer on their website , it's not real clear how you get the return effluent back to your sump ?
Thanks guys .......and gals for that matter.......Steve
unless you want to argue or say something controversial , its hard to get a response on here ........Steve
I don't have one, yet, but I am working on it. :) I like the design, especilly the fact that the Sedra's are on recirc instead of supply. From what I gather return plumbing back to your sump, or tank, is a simple matter of you plumbing it in with some flex, or rigid, pvc.
valkrdr said:
unless you want to argue or say something controversial , its hard to get a response on here ........Steve
I think it's because there aren't many externals out there. I have never even seen one in person and I have seen many Euroreefs. There cost is considerably more so most people go with the in sump style. Only people like Chuck money bags can afford the external. JK Chuck, I had to stick ya.
:D Yeah, I got bags alright. Empty bags is all. Why do you think I don't have it yet.

You know one thing I forgot to mention earlier about the external versions is a concern I saw with draining them. How do you do it?? I know from my current ER that the Sedra needs to be cleaned like every 3 months and I was just curious how you would drain the external version to accomplish this feat. I don't see a drain built into the bottom of the chamber in any of the pics. Just makes me want to say hmmm.
My only concern would be the flange they use to connect the pump to the skimmer housing. As existing Euro Reef customers can attest to, this rubber piece gets hardened over time and has a tendancy to leak a little. While it is not an issue in a sump, it would be a problem externally. I spoke with Euroreef about this and suggested that they look at Deltec design to improve their own. They told me they were working on a silicone flange which would solve this issue. Might want to ask them about it. I do, however, like the recirculation design. Much more efficient than just forcing 100s of gallons through. This is becoming standard design in Europe.
I have looked into the external Euroreefs and am planning to get one as well. While the Sedra's seem to be very reliable, not much was mentioned about them leaking. I did inquire if the Sedras last in an external application and they assured me they last just as long - we'll see I guess.

I have a different external skimmer now and getting the out flow back to the sump is a simple matter of running pvc plumbing from the skimmer to the sump. Just remember that gravity is how the water gets back to the sump so the plumbing needs to run downhill and with the minimum amount of resistance.

Chuck - I would assume the draining of the external Euroreef is accomplished the same way as my existing external skimmer - siphon. Get a piece of tubing long enough to get to the bottom of the skimmer and siphon off into buckets.

Thats a good point about the flange and one I had not considered. Thanks for the tip. :thumbsup:

Jeff - Yeah, that is what I was thinking also - syphon - but, you will never be able to syphon it down below the pump draw point without the skimmer being higher than the point you are draining to. I would think it would be easy for them to incorporate a drain into the bottom of the unit so as to allow for easier draining. May end up being an after purchase mod. ;)
Guys , Thanks , this is the kind of feedback that I was looking for ....I knew the RC crew would come through for me.....I have nerver owned a ER, but have decided to go that way for all of the reasons that have been discussed on here ad -nauseam , so I will spare everyone the pain.
Did have an external Top Fahom once a model 200 I believe on a 75 gal. reef a few years back. Wasnt real impressed , would never buy another one.
The reason i am looking into a ER ext. is that after about 15 years of reefs , i have decided to do a FOWLR to have a big beautiful angelfish...probably a blueface for something different . The one thing i know about large angels is that they have to be fed a lot , hence the great skimmer ......................................! keep it coming .....good stuff
CS6-1 modified

CS6-1 modified

Hello, I am using an internal CS6-1 that I had to modify to work outside the bottom 60 gallon acrylic that I have below my 180. I got the CS6-1 from a friend after he decided he didn't want to set up salt water after all. I am attaching a few pics of the mods I had to do to make it work. Does a very good job of removing massive amounts of gunk from my 240 total system. Freed
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=1952784#post1952784 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AgentSPS
My only concern would be the flange they use to connect the pump to the skimmer housing. As existing Euro Reef customers can attest to, this rubber piece gets hardened over time and has a tendancy to leak a little. While it is not an issue in a sump, it would be a problem externally. I spoke with Euroreef about this and suggested that they look at Deltec design to improve their own. They told me they were working on a silicone flange which would solve this issue. Might want to ask them about it. I do, however, like the recirculation design. Much more efficient than just forcing 100s of gallons through. This is becoming standard design in Europe.

Back from the dead. That was a valid concern as my external ER skimmer is now leaking from those flanges. I've reinstalled them with a dab of silicone and I hope that does the trick. Between the leaks, the faulty impeller they sent me, and the snail-like shipping, I'm not having a grand time with this thing. :o

Does anyone know if those grommets can be purchased at a store like Home Depot?