Fairly urgent -Skimmer/sump setup question


New member
Situation is I have a nice 30g sump with compartments,etc. Tank will be 135g.
As I look around at skimmers, it seems the best value is the ASM G-3 (there is a sale until Tuesday on them then the price jumps a lot). But I believe that this is an internal skimmer only.
My question is can I put the skimmer in a tub (I have several 10-20g ones), have some or all of the drain go into the skimemer then the output go to the sump. Will this work? Means that I have, net, a bigger sump.
if the tub is connected to the sump just run all your drines to the skimmer compartment so that the skimmer will have a chance to clean as much as possable.
Water Keeper - THANKS!!! Have only rad a page or two (my 10 year old is bugging me to play poker with him), but that thread may answer lots of things for me. Sounds like, so far, the flow to the sump can be relatively low (maybe 5 x) and let the CL take care of the rest of the motion. But I will keep reading....