Feeding lawnmower blennie...

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I've had a lawnmower blennie in my 29 gallon reef for about 2 and a half months. It's always been shy, up until the last week or so. Rarely came out of the rocks, but every once in a while I'd see it pecking at the LR, looking for food in the sand, picking it up and spitting it out. If it saw me it would hi-tail it back into the rocks. Always looked healthy to me. I feed the tank every other day, usually frozen mysis, sometimes pellets. I've never seen it eat any of that. A couple times a week I'll stick a sheet of SeaVeggies in the tank for a few hours, I've seen him pick at it once, and only once. And it was only one 'pick'. In the last week, it seems to be overcoming it's shyness, I see it out quite a bit, it doesn't dive into the rocks when it see's me, I can even go up to the tank close and look at it, it usually doesn't seem to care much, will stop swimming but doesn't usally run away. Seems very active, but I 'think' it's slimming down a bit. Really hard to tell, and it might be my imagination, but it's got me slightly concerned. What do people usually do to feed LMB's, anything other than what I've been doing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
he can probably live off the algae that grows normally in the tank. i give my tank a little spirulina flake when i feed. my guy is a little shy too, but if i move slowly he will let me sit and watch him ( i think it's more like he's watching me )
He should be okay with the algea that is growing on the rock all the time, he should come around though, mine is a ham and will let me even get my hand close to him.

You can always put a peice of nori between rocks also.
