I got a clam about 4 weeks ago and I guess I'm stupid because I thought it fed through the water. Am I suppose to actually feeding it? I have 125 gal reef that I have had for 3 years. Thanks for the help. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my clam.
Yes clams are filter feeders. IME, I have had good luck feeding my tank DT's as well. They use photosynthsis, like some nitrates and even feed off the waste of the fish.
A good book to buy would be Giant Clams by Daniel Knop.
It is a derasa and about 5 inches from bottom of shell to top. I don't know how you are suppose to say how big it is. What is DTs? Sorry, I don't know all of the initials for this yet. Thanks Sendie
Barry, I just visited your web site and your clams are beautiful. Thanks for your help. I got kind of worried regarding the thread about all the clams dying out in California. I would really be upset if that happened to me. Have you heard about it? Sendie
Glad that I was able to help. Oh Yes I have been following and posting on those threads regarding clam deaths. There are a few other spots around the country that has had some problems as well.
That is why I hold my clams from 7 to 10 days before shipping.
I would suggest that even with buying clams that people place them in a q-tank for a while. Just a smart thing to do with anything IMO.
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