Feeding my Mantis


Another Brick in the Wall
Premium Member
Ok, so I have this little "Neogonodactylus" (though I haven't figured which type yet). It's about 2" long. How often and how much should I feed him? I have been feeding him frozen krill and fresh chunks of fish. He seems to take whatever I put in front of him and disappears into his cave.

Today, it was a krill that was about an inch long. Last night he took a 1/2" chunk. He had been barricaded in his cave for about 4 or 5 days (molting) and finally came out yesterday. Will they stop taking food when they are full?

Also, is there anything that I can put in there with him, like a brittle star, large snails ... that he won't eat?
I have three mantis in one aquarium and all of them eat frozen krill...

I also have a couple of crabs and snails livving in the same aquarium. I have several friends however that have mantis in their reefs with no problems, they just keep them well fed.

Also if you feed your mantis by hand it has been my exsperence that they become less agressive to other tank inhabitants.

Good luck, let me know how things work out.