feeding once a week


New member
Is it just me or is this mean. This really bothers me. I feed every other day and I feel bad on the day I skip, but feeding once a week? I don't think this is a good idea. I don't think people should sacrafice the fishes health to keep nitrates down. My question is how would you like to eat just once a week? Sorry I just had to vent about this. If you do this please RETHINK it.
It really depends on the fishes you are talking about. Some do NOT need to eat more. Some have to have food all day long. The great thing about our reef tanks is they can provide plenty of food if it is an aged, well maintained tank.
I feed once a day, but some fish can require more frequent feeding. I would argue in favor of more frequent, smaller feedings in general, as a general principle. The total amount of food is important, but spiking the tank once a week with food is probably harder on the filtration and the animals, for most levels of feeding.
I also feed every other day, but like stated above if you have certain fish liek anthias, tangs etc they need to eat at least once a day to stay healthy.
That's actually not a bad idea, but in practice it can be hard to arrange. One thing I do is feed a fair amount of phytoplankton, to try to provide some live prey. For fish such as tangs, I would add an algae clip so that food was always available.
You can see below in my "Currrent Tanks" that I have both tangs and Anthias.

This is how I feed the Anthias mainly, but of course everybody eats it. This is frozen food.

When I get home from school I take a brine shrimp net and defrost and rinse..

2 cubes Plankton
2 cubes Krill
2 cubes Marine Crusine
2 cubes Emerald Entree
3 cubes Brine Shrimp
3 cubes Mysis Shrimp

I then put this food in a thermos with Selcon and acouple of ice cubes.

Everytime I walk by the tank I put a squirt in some with a turkey baster.

This keeps my large school of anthias happy because they need to eat all thoughout the day.

For my 2 Yellow Tangs and 2 Blue Hippo Tangs and Majestic Angelfish I put in a folded 8 x 10 inch sheet of nori in a veggie clip in the tank before I leave for school in the morning.

All the frozen food and the nori is gone by the time the last lights go out at 10:30PM.

I also have an automatic feeder for flake food, and I have a refugium.

Nothing gets fed on Sundays though, at least by me. They pick at the rocks and the anthias eat anything that flows out of the refugium.


(And for those of you wondering...yes I do spend a good ammount of money on frozen food)